
Twitterify Logo

A web platform to get quick, accurate and valuable statistical insights for real time twitter data.

Table of contents


Why Twitterify?


Thread Section

Thread Analysis Page

User Profile Section

Project Architecture

Architecture Diagram

Tech Stack

Implementation Details

Performance and Analysis

Twitterify has achieved a perfect score of 100 in the Best Practices category of the Lighthouse report, indicating that the project conforms to recommended web development standards.


Steps to Download and Integrate

  1. Fork and Clone the repository on your local machine.
  2. The frontend and backend servers of the application run independently and need to be set up before starting them.
    • Setting frontend
  3. To run the react server, simply navigate to the reactfrontend directory and run npm install. Once the installation completes you just need npm start. This would start the react server on port 3000 on the localhost.
  4. The application then can be viewed on the browser on localhost:3000 and can be used by the users.
    • Setting Backend
  5. Setting the Backend could be quite a hassle.
  6. To set up the flask server, open the terminal in the flaskBackend directory and run pip install -r requirements.txt. This would install all the necessary packages for the flask server.

Project Contributors

Abhishek Sharma

Saket Thota

Shashwat Satao

Prithvi Rohira